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"Impara il Giapponese da Zero"Apprendimento del giapponese facile e divertente per principianti. Solitamente pensiamo che l’apprendimento di una nuova lingua sia un’impresa difficile. Questo è vero solo in parte: con un po' di tempo a disposizione..
"Impara il Giapponese da Zero"Apprendimento del giapponese facile e divertente per principianti. Solitamente pensiamo che l’apprendimento di una nuova lingua sia un’impresa difficile. Questo è vero solo in parte: con un po' di tempo a disposizione e gli strumenti adeguati, imparare una nuova lingua può rivelarsi perfino piuttosto facile. Il problema principale con l'apprendimento di una nuova lingua è che spesso vogliamo ottenere risultati sorprendenti e subito. È tipico dell’essere umano ed è comprensibile, ma spesso impedisce il raggiungimento di risultati duraturi nel tempo. "Impara il Giapponese da Zero" è lo strumento per ottenere risultati di apprendimento solidi e durevoli. Abbiamo appositamente costruito il nostro sistema per ottenere la massima efficacia, incorporando diversi metodi di apprendimento, a cominciare dalla cosiddetta “Ripetizione dilazionata”: un metodo scientificamente provato. Spingiamo questo sistema al limite, utilizzando algoritmi di machine learning. L'app "Impara il Giapponese da Zero" osserva e studia continuamente le tue risposte, al fine di creare le lezioni più adatte alle tue specifiche necessità, privilegiando le parole che hai più bisogno di memorizzare. Ripeterai le parole giuste al momento giusto tutte le volte..
"Japanisch für Anfänger mit TPS"spielerisch und einfach Japanisch lernen für Anfänger. Es gibt einen ewig bestehenden Mythos: Das Lernen einer neuen Sprache ist schwierig. Aber das ist nicht wirklich wahrmit ein wenig Zeit und den richtigen..
"Japanisch für Anfänger mit TPS"spielerisch und einfach Japanisch lernen für Anfänger. Es gibt einen ewig bestehenden Mythos: Das Lernen einer neuen Sprache ist schwierig. Aber das ist nicht wirklich wahrmit ein wenig Zeit und den richtigen Tools ist es ganz einfach, eine neue Sprache zu lernen. Das größte Problem, das Menschen beim Lernen einer neuen Sprache haben? Sie wollen so schnell wie möglich Ergebnisse erzielenein vollkommen normaler menschlicher Wunsch. Oft lenkt dieser Wunsche jedoch davon ab, gute und nachhaltige Ergebnisse zu erzielen. "Japanisch für Anfänger mit TPS"ist das Tool, mit dem du wirkliche Lernfortschritte erzielen kannst. Wir haben unser System speziell so aufgebaut, dass wir maximale Effektivität erreichen, indem wir die verschiedensten Lernmethoden kombinieren. Wir beginnen mit einem wissenschaftlich erprobten Raum-Wiederholungs-System und treiben dieses System mit Hilfe von maschinellen Lernalgorithmen an die Grenzen. "Japanisch für Anfänger mit TPS" beobachtet kontinuierlich deine Lösungen zu Aufgaben, um dir somit die besten Übungen herauszusuchen und so die Wörter auszuwählen, die du lernen musst. Du wiederholst die Wörter zum richtigen Zeitpunkt und so oft wie nötig, um eine Lektion wirklich zu verinnerlichen. Es ist..
French Language for Beginners
Learn French by Yourselffun and easy French learning for beginners. There is a myth that learning a new language is difficult. But that is not really truewith a little time and the proper tools, it is quite easy. The main problem with learning a new language is that people want to achieve amazing results really fast. This is a normal human desire, but it often distracts from achieving good, retainable results. Learn French by Yourselfis the tool for achieving solid learning results. We specifically built our system to achieve maximum effectiveness by incorporating different learning methods. We start with a scientifically proven spaced repetition system. We push that system to the limits by using machine learning algorithms. The app continuously monitors your answers, in order to generate the best lessons for you, and choose the words you need to learn. You will repeat words at the right time, and as frequently as you need, to really get a solid grasp of the lesson. It is widely known that you learn better when you have more connections to the content in..
Mandarin Chinese for Beginners
Learn Chinese by Yourselffun and easy Mandarin Chinese learning for beginners. There is a myth that learning a new language is difficult. But that is not really truewith a little time and the proper tools, it is quite easy. The main problem with learning a new language is that people want to achieve amazing results really fast. This is a normal human desire, but it often distracts from achieving good, retainable results. Learn Chinese by Yourselfis the tool for achieving solid learning results. We specifically built our system to achieve maximum effectiveness by incorporating different learning methods. We start with a scientifically proven spaced repetition system. We push that system to the limits by using machine learning algorithms. The app continuously monitors your answers, in order to generate the best lessons for you, and choose the words you need to learn. You will repeat words at the right time, and as frequently as you need, to really get a solid grasp of the lesson. It is widely known that you learn better when you have more connections to the content..
Learn Japanese from Scratch
Japanese Language for Beginnerfun and easy Japanese learning for beginners. There is a myth that learning a new language is difficult. But that is not really truewith a little time and the proper tools, it is quite easy. The main problem with learning a new language is that people want to achieve amazing results really fast. This is a normal human desire, but it often distracts from achieving good, retainable results. Japanese Language for Beginneris the tool for achieving solid learning results. We specifically built our system to achieve maximum effectiveness by incorporating different learning methods. We start with a scientifically proven spaced repetition system. We push that system to the limits by using machine learning algorithms. The app continuously monitors your answers, in order to generate the best lessons for you, and choose the words you need to learn. You will repeat words at the right time, and as frequently as you need, to really get a solid grasp of the lesson. It is widely known that you learn better when you have more connections to the content in..
Spanish Language for Beginner
Learn Spanish by Yourselffun and easy Spanish learning for beginners. There is a myth that learning a new language is difficult. But that is not really truewith a little time and the proper tools, it is quite easy. The main problem with learning a new language is that people want to achieve amazing results really fast. This is a normal human desire, but it often distracts from achieving good, retainable results. Learn Spanish by Yourselfis the tool for achieving solid learning results. We specifically built our system to achieve maximum effectiveness by incorporating different learning methods. We start with a scientifically proven spaced repetition system. We push that system to the limits by using machine learning algorithms. The app continuously monitors your answers, in order to generate the best lessons for you, and choose the words you need to learn. You will repeat words at the right time, and as frequently as you need, to really get a solid grasp of the lesson. It is widely known that you learn better when you have more connections to the content in..
Balance your mind
Featured in "New Games We Love" by Apple Have you ever imagined yourself being in two places at the same time? Ever tried juggling? Or tightrope walking? That feeling when you are entering a mindless state and being totally present. BrainConnect is a consciousness altering game about connection, expanding your mind, and being totally focused and relaxed at the same time. 

* Endless arcade game play with simple rules
 * Minimalistic design and immersive sound experience
 * Expand your mind and stay focused as long as you can 
* Record and share your progress Caution: Process of splitting yourself can produce a lot of energy. Music and sound effects: Hainbach (