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【图】IPassword – Keep Your Password(截图1)【图】IPassword – Keep Your Password(截图2)


A password keeper mobile app is a software tool designed for smartphones that helps users securely store and manage their various login credentials and other sensitive information. With the increasing number of online accounts we use in our daily lives, it has become essential to have a reliable system for creating and managing strong passwords on the go. A password keeper mobile app typically provides a user-friendly interface for creating, storing, and retrieving passwords and other personal information such as credit card details and social security numbers. The app may also generate strong passwords automatically and suggest password changes to ensure maximum security. These apps usually offer additional security features such as two-factor authentication and biometric authentication, making it easy and convenient to manage passwords and other sensitive information on a mobile device.

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CMMS mobile for smart teams
Valuekeep Technician CMMS, the best way to manage your maintenance on the go. Intended for maintenance technicians. Valuekeep Technician CMMS app provides you all the tools you need to manage maintenance operations and tasks, wherever you are, even without the Internet. Valuekeep Technician CMMS has an intuitive and easy to use interface, fully integrated with the Valuekeep platform in real-time. Enjoy innovative features, developed to increase the productivity of technical teams. Features: • Access to detailed information about all assigned jobs and maintenance tasks • View the assigned work orders in the calendar • Record costs, times, and material consumption • Consult user manuals, photographs, and other documents attached to work orders • Create, complete, and close work orders • Navigate to work orders through a Map View • Scan barcodes, NFC or RFID tags to quickly add new work orders or filter the list of assigned work. Available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Hivemind is a ranked choice voting app that lets people make decisions together. Instead of voting for a single option, participants can cast their opinion as a ranked list of options. It is not necessary for..
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Tramite l'APP potrai gestire gli orari di apertura e chiusura del tuo negozio, gestire il menù e le scorte, controllare gli ordini e comunicare tramite la chat con clienti e riders. Tutto a portata di mano...
Tramite l'APP potrai gestire gli orari di apertura e chiusura del tuo negozio, gestire il menù e le scorte, controllare gli ordini e comunicare tramite la chat con clienti e riders. Tutto a portata di mano. Visita il nostro sito per scoprire come diventare un partner Mòmmò. Invia la richiesta per iscrivere il tuo negozio e in breve tempo potrai cominciare a vendere online ed avere a tua disposizione una flotta di riders pronti a consegnare i tuoi ordini. Aumenta la visibilità del tuo negozio e lascia che i clienti ti trovino proprio in quel preciso istante in cui sono alla ricerca dei tuoi prodotti. Il primo servizio di delivery nel Cilento, al momento siamo presenti a: -Castellabate; Mòmmò non è disponibile nella tua zona? Non preoccuparti inviaci la tua richiesta e valuteremo la possibilità di offrire il nostro servizio anche nella tua città. Hai un suggerimento, un problema o vorresti dei chiarimenti? Trovi tutti i nostri contatti sul nostro sito web: - Cosa aspetti? Iscrivi subito la tua attività su Mòmmò. Se invece non vuoi iscrivere il tuo negozio..
Search for flats and houses
fotocasa, find your place among more than 1,5M properties. The online real estate portal where you can find the perfect home. If you want to buy a flat or house, look for rental properties or share a room, this app is for you. With our app you can easily find the flat, flat, house, room, office, garage, storage room or land that best suits your needs, because "everyone has a place". ◉ A HOME FINDER FOR EVERYONE If you are looking to buy or rent a property, fotocasa offers you the largest real estate offer of properties in Spain, with more than 1.5 million properties at your disposal. You can search by province, municipality, neighbourhood, points of interest or proximity to your current location, you can even draw on the map the exact area where you want to find properties. The results will appear in the form of a list or on a map, from which you can see all the available properties. Find detailed information about the available properties: photos, characteristics, how to get to the property, energy certification..
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Die App Securplan SP+M von Securplan ermöglicht die schnelle und sichere Umsetzung von Notfallplänen und festgelegten Vorgangsweisen aller Art. Die App Securplan SP+M wird verwendet für: -Katastrophen- und Zivilschutzpläne -Notfallpläne für Krankenhäuser, Betriebe, Institutionen und Einrichtungen..
Die App Securplan SP+M von Securplan ermöglicht die schnelle und sichere Umsetzung von Notfallplänen und festgelegten Vorgangsweisen aller Art. Die App Securplan SP+M wird verwendet für: -Katastrophen- und Zivilschutzpläne -Notfallpläne für Krankenhäuser, Betriebe, Institutionen und Einrichtungen -Business Continuity Management Securplan SP+M ist für Führungskräfte und alle, die an der Umsetzung von Notfallmaßnahmen aktiv beteiligt sind. Die App greift auf die SP+M Web-Plattform zu, auf der alle Informationen abgelegt sind. Die SP+M Plattform ist Voraussetzung für den Betrieb der Securplan SP+M APP. * Checkliste Anhand der interaktiven Checklisten haben sie in einer Notsituation die zu setzenden Schritte stets im Blick. Alarmstufen können mit Hilfe dieser Checkliste schnell und sicher definiert werden. Durch die Alarmierungs- und Verständigungsfunktion werden sie sofort zu wichtigen Dokumenten weitergeleitet und können mit wenigen Klicks beteiligte Personen durch Telefonate und SMS alarmieren. * Handbuch Im Bereich „Handbuch“ sind die Inhalte des Notfallplanes abrufbar. Checklisten, Handlungsanweisungen, Pläne, und weiter Informationen können hier sofort abgerufen werden. * Meldungen Diese Funktion bietet eine übersichtliche Art der Kommunikation. Die Nachrichten werden in Echtzeit übertragen und erleichtern maßgeblich die Verständigung bei der Bewältigung..
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The application use geolocation* of your device only to geotag picture taken while creating a new ticket. * "Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."
The application use geolocation* of your device only to geotag picture taken while creating a new ticket. * "Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."
La app per la presa ordini di Navigare. Con questa app potrai inserire ordini, consultare il catalogo, visualizzare le informazioni dei tuoi clienti e localizzarli sulla mappa.
La app per la presa ordini di Navigare. Con questa app potrai inserire ordini, consultare il catalogo, visualizzare le informazioni dei tuoi clienti e localizzarli sulla mappa.
| Quix
Keep Your Password Safely
A password keeper mobile app is a software tool designed for smartphones that helps users securely store and manage their various login credentials and other sensitive information. With the increasing number of online accounts we use in our daily lives, it has become essential to have a reliable system for creating and managing strong passwords on the go. A password keeper mobile app typically provides a user-friendly interface for creating, storing, and retrieving passwords and other personal information such as credit card details and social security numbers. The app may also generate strong passwords automatically and suggest password changes to ensure maximum security. These apps usually offer additional security features such as two-factor authentication and biometric authentication, making it easy and convenient to manage passwords and other sensitive information on a mobile device.

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