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Health & Fitness

Fever Thermometer 98.6F App SCREENSHOT

Fever Thermometer 98.6F App DESCRIPTION

Measure fever with your watch? Yes, you can – with the Apple Watch 8 and Ultra. The watches have a temperature sensor on the back, i.e. close to the wrist, which measures the approximate body temperature. The app shows this value big and clear and updates itself every second. 3 different colors: blue, green and red provide information about the area.

– small, simple app
– no internet required
– German English

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The program shows you videos of aquariums in 4K resolution. That's four times Full HD resolution, 3840x2160 pixels. These are online (streaming) play, thus protecting your space. In the course of time more videos to come...
The program shows you videos of aquariums in 4K resolution. That's four times Full HD resolution, 3840x2160 pixels. These are online (streaming) play, thus protecting your space. In the course of time more videos to come. In addition, new 4K videos in 3D Side by Side format are. New: - New 4K videos functions: - Video Length: 6 minutes each to 2h - HD quality 1080p, 4K - Chill Out Backgrund Music - Full screen possible - Output of the videos on Apple TV> TV - Adapted for iPhone and iPad (Universal App) - Works with iOS 8.0 or later - Background Music - Portrait and Landscape * The video quality may deteriorate if you do not have GPRS or UMTS the full bandwidth. The best quality can be reached within a WLAN network with full bandwidth.
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Create small notes in different colors and view photos on the wall. Features: - iPad: 35 possible notes (5x7) - iPad Pro (12.9"): 70 possible notes (7x10) - iPhone/iPod: 48 possible notes (12x4), 4 Pages -..
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With the Todayscreen, you have everything under control: date, battery, holidays, calendar, birthdays, weather, sunmoonsign, anniversaries, notes. Display: - Current date, calendar week, leap year - Battery in %, RAM, Memory - Holidays of the next..
With the Todayscreen, you have everything under control: date, battery, holidays, calendar, birthdays, weather, sunmoonsign, anniversaries, notes. Display: - Current date, calendar week, leap year - Battery in %, RAM, Memory - Holidays of the next 30 days - Birthdays the next 30 days from the contacts - Weather for today and tomorrow4-day Forecast - Calendar (appointments today, tomorrow) new - Sun, moon, sign (On-destruction, etc.) - Global observances for the current day (only in German) - Notes (Create a small item, eg. shopping list) Features: - Creating calendar entries - Weather Forecast - Edit Note Settings: - City (for weather forecasting), manually - Temperature, weather units (° C, ° F, mb) - Barometer: mb, hPa, Torr, psi, inchHG - Wind: km/h, MPH, m/s, kn, Bft - Holidays (Country) D-A-CH-US-FR-ES-CN-UK-PL-CZ-AU
Das Programm enthält eine Liste von den bekanntesten Küchenkräuter und Gewürze mit Bild und ausführlichen Detail-Informationen. Die Inhalte wurden aufwendig recherchiert und in eine Datenbank zusammengetragen. Dabei stand eine Köchin zur Seite. Hauptschwerpunkt sind die Küchenkräuter,..
Das Programm enthält eine Liste von den bekanntesten Küchenkräuter und Gewürze mit Bild und ausführlichen Detail-Informationen. Die Inhalte wurden aufwendig recherchiert und in eine Datenbank zusammengetragen. Dabei stand eine Köchin zur Seite. Hauptschwerpunkt sind die Küchenkräuter, die Gewürze wurden hier als Ergänzung zu den Küchenkräutern hinzugefügt. Denn einige Gewürze sind auch Kräuter und umgekehrt. In den Detailinformationen zu jeder Pflanze wurde besonders auf die Verwendung in der Küche wert gelegt. Das professionelle Foto zu jeder Pflanze rundet das Programm ab. Dieses Programm darf in keiner Küche fehlen. 70 Küchenkräuter & Gewürze: Alant, Anis , Basilikum , Beifuß , Bohnenkraut , Borretsch, Chilischote , Chinesischer Lauch, Curry, Currykraut , Dill , Dost , Duftnessel, Echter Eibisch , Edelgamander, Estragon , Färberdistel , Fenchel ,Gartenkresse, Ingwer, Kapern, Kapuzinerkresse , Kardamom, Kerbel , Knoblauch , Koriander , Kümmel, Lavendel, Liebstöckel , Lorbeer, Majoran , Meerrettich, Melisse , Minze, Mohn , Monarde , Mönchspfeffer, Muskat, Myrte , Nelken , Nelkenwurz , Oregano , Paprika , Pelargonie , Petersilie, Pfeffer, Pfefferminze , Piment , Rauke , Rosmarin, Safran, Salbei, Sauerampfer, Schnittlauch, Schwarznessel , Sellerie, Senf,..
Every year one to three fridays fall on a 13th. For everyone this day has a other relevance. This program calculates all fridays the 13th for the next 50 yearsWith the .iCal-function you can enter these..
Every year one to three fridays fall on a 13th. For everyone this day has a other relevance. This program calculates all fridays the 13th for the next 50 yearsWith the .iCal-function you can enter these days in the calendar of the PC, Mac and the device. System requirements: - Internet connection - For iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad with OS 8.0 or higher
The app responds to voice commands. Say 'Camera' and the camera switches (front / back). Say 'Photo' and you will immediately take a picture and save it in the photo album. 'Selfie' takes a picture directly..
The app responds to voice commands. Say 'Camera' and the camera switches (front / back). Say 'Photo' and you will immediately take a picture and save it in the photo album. 'Selfie' takes a picture directly with the front camera, without first switching the camera. All of this is very fast and is very helpful if, for example, No hand free. At first start: please allow the access to 'camera', 'speech reg.', 'microphone'.
On this board, you can calculate on and draw. Use the iPhone or iPad to small drawings or sketches and use the calculator for calculate something. The program was created in the look of a blackboard...
On this board, you can calculate on and draw. Use the iPhone or iPad to small drawings or sketches and use the calculator for calculate something. The program was created in the look of a blackboard. Drawings: - New: select 10 different backgrounds - Open: from your photo album or your iCloud Drive - 4 different pen weights - 9 different points, 1x grafitty point - Color selection for pens - Text write, position and insert (Verdana, chalk font) - Eraser - Clear button (Delete) - Save button (Save in the photo album) - Back button (10 steps undo) - Fore button (10 steps redo) - Drawings sent by email - Print on a Air Print Printer Calculator: - half professional calculator - basic functions - scientifically functions - M+, M- memory - Copy to Clipboard function
Measure fever with your watch
Measure fever with your watch? Yes, you canwith the Apple Watch 8 and Ultra. The watches have a temperature sensor on the back, i.e. close to the wrist, which measures the approximate body temperature. The app shows this value big and clear and updates itself every second. 3 different colors: blue, green and red provide information about the area. - small, simple app - no internet required - German English
Dieses Programm zeigt Ihnen 425 Hunderassen aus aller Welt. Dafür wurde über 1 Jahr an dem Programm geabeitet und durch einen Hundeprofi sogfältig recherchiert. Dabei wurden persönliche Erfahrungen mit Hunden mit eingeabeitet. In der Detailansicht erhalten..
Dieses Programm zeigt Ihnen 425 Hunderassen aus aller Welt. Dafür wurde über 1 Jahr an dem Programm geabeitet und durch einen Hundeprofi sogfältig recherchiert. Dabei wurden persönliche Erfahrungen mit Hunden mit eingeabeitet. In der Detailansicht erhalten Sie folgende Informationen: - Hundename - Bild - Rasse - FCI-Gruppe - Herkunft/Land - Entstehungszeit - Verwendung - Charakter - Lebenserwartung - Gewicht - Höhe - Beschreibung
Windspeed and more...
Use your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as virtual Anemometer. Additional displaying temperature, felt temperature, air humidity, barometer. In Settings you can save 6 own cities. 4 day preview. Showing weather data: - Virtual wind gauge with digital display - The little propeller rotates conform to the wind speed - Shows the name of the weather station resp. town - Temperature in °C or °F - Felt temperature - Humidity in % - Wind speed in km/h, MPH, kn, m/s, Bft - Barometer - Datetime of the weather data - Data: Internet, online (a few bytes only) - Map of the position of the weather station in settings Settings: - 6 own cities - Temperature in °C or °F - Barometer in mb, hPa, Torr, psi or inchHG - Wind speed in km/h, MPH, kn, m/s or Bft More features: - Update-button for the weather data
With this app you can share photos, even large photos or several photos that cannot be sent via email. 3 simple steps: 1. Select photo, 2. Upload, 3. View on the web. You can email a..
With this app you can share photos, even large photos or several photos that cannot be sent via email. 3 simple steps: 1. Select photo, 2. Upload, 3. View on the web. You can email a link to yourself or to others. Here you can view the images on all devices in the browser and also download them as a ZIP. - 3 easy steps - secure cloud server - Presentation on the web - Can also be used for your own homepage - Send link, share - Edit pictures before upload - If necessary: delete all pictures - Can be used as an online image tank - Storage space: unlimited

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