102.2 MB
Casual Game


1. Optimize the “Index” outlook, each index allows to click and view information 2. Adjust the new guest trigger condition, clearly unlock the new guest 3. Reduce the number of initial ads for the game 4. Adjust the upgrade value, AFK and play, less real money spend 5. Optimized some special hungry effect

Tasty China Game SCREENSHOT

【图】Tasty China(截图1)【图】Tasty China(截图2)【图】Tasty China(截图3)

Tasty China Game DESCRIPTION

I’m a single mother,
I am not here to tell you guys I am a soft person, but being single is awesome!
And I got a little five years old girl, we hang out have fun together eat and drink.
We love foods, so we spend our spare time to made a food game “together”.
“Together”means I do the art and coding work, and she taking care for the part of investigate dishes…

The purpose of this game is so simple, so the game is relatively simple too, mainly it’s made for my daughter.
And yes, you guys are all “her player”^^
So this game got no place to top up, if you like, just click on the advertisement so that we can more inspection dishes.

※ Play anywhere, cook everywhere!
– Download for free, no in-app purchases, cook to earn it all
– No limitations, no more waiting
– Casual gameplay that can play itself

※ Manage your dream Chinese restaurant!
– 10 legendary Chinese cuisines, 10 restaurants waiting to be opened
– A simple tap and delicious recipes are yours
– Satisfy all your customers with your time management skills

※ Upgrade your kitchens for quicker delicacies!
– Hire and upgrade your cooks, faster food and service is coming
– Unlock and upgrade your dishes to bring in more customers
– Upgrade your restaurant, add more dining tables and get more income

※ New customers are arriving!
– 18 new customers will randomly come to bring surprising rewards
– Collect and save all the chefs, dishes and customers in your album

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这是一款集模拟经营+合成+收集类游戏 。 休闲玩法,轻松有趣:将烤制出来的低级烧烤通过合成逐步变成色香味俱全的高级烧烤,满足来往食客的口腹并赚取金钱,最后将烧烤摊开到最繁华的市中心里去! 人间老饕,百味烧烤:麻辣鲜香的串串虾,肥而不腻的肉串,鲜嫩香脆的烤藕片,独具特色的烤全羊,数不清的烧烤美食在等着你收集制作,总有一款能挑引起你肚子里的馋虫。 市井情怀,人生百态:12位身份各异的特色人物前来撸串,无论是身穿校服的高中生,沉默寡言的程序员,活泼可爱的二次元少女,都有着各自的故事。 城市夜景,触景生情:从清冷小巷到繁华夜市,逛遍6处不同地点的夜景,带你领略这个城市的风情,是否让你觉得它熟悉而又陌生? 世界很大,我想看看:努力经营专属于自己的烧烤店,赚取资金,扩大自己的店面,并将烧烤店搬到更好的地区,看看这个辽阔的世界还有多少风景是自己未曾留意的。 你还在等什么,快拿起烤串,走上自己的串串人生吧!
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2022全新卡牌策略手游重磅出击,带您穿越战国时代,携手铸就乱世战国! 这是一款根据日本战国时代的历史改编的手机游戏,游戏以日本战国时代为背景,玩家可以扮演织田家、武田家和上杉家等各路大名,收集自己的名将和其他势力对抗,最终实现统一日本的目标。 【游戏亮点】 观の唯美和风画面 清新唯美的和风画面,带您感受日本传统历史!恬静淡雅之菊,凶狠决绝之刀,菊与刀的冲突之美在游戏中完美呈现。 技の完美养成体系 完美独特的养成体系,任您打造个性化的游戏角色!杀人如麻的第六天魔王,也绝不只有一面。 爽の跨服国战爆屏 万人同屏互怼,式神通灵助阵,热血澎湃的战斗场面,带来无与伦比的感官震撼! 智の变身逆转战局 每位名将都拥有独特的酷炫大招,上百个武将绝技,数十种兵种特性,组合千变万化,配合排兵布阵,让策略决定战局。更有爆装变身系统,带来一秒逆袭、扭转战局的快感。 剧の重塑武士精神 扎实的剧情主线还原战国时代杀戮历史,重塑武士道精神。在游戏之余,了解与讨论游戏中各种经典战役、传奇轶事、兵法剑术也将成为玩家们的互动乐趣。
Ignite your Fighting Soul!
《ChaosFighters3》 is a awesome game with ACG element. This game mode is placement RPG & Round battle.There are more than 40 kinds of effect brilliant skills and hundreds of exciting and fashionable characters. The game has real-time players in the PvE & PvP challenge, funny interaction with friends, The World Martial Arts, 3V3 Ranked Game and so on. Fresh, Brain-Burning, Relaxed, Funny is our goals to bring the awesome gaming experience for players all over the world!!! 【ACG smash battle】 Hundreds of fighter with full personality, different attributes and talent, to meet all your ideas about role-playing! 【Hundreds of style, arbitrary collocation!】 More than 40 skills with different characteristics in 10 major skill tree can be matched with hundreds of combat style. Brainstorming, refuse brainless p-t-w games! 【funny social】 Real-time team Instance,Slave struggle,Food production co-ordinated efforts to speed up, excellent combat video sharing comment!Let's play with your friend, do not get lonely 【fair pvp battle】 The world's first martial arts congress, battle arena, underground chaotic arena and a series of PVP games provide you with a higher chance to compete..
Choose from hundreds of unique fighters to battle your way to greatness in Chaos Heros. Deep customization mechanics allow for endless combinations of fighters, skills, equipment, and pets. Arenas, world PvP tournaments, guilds, mercenaries, pets, astrology, PvE dungeons, and adventuring provide endless entertainment. Join the world of Chaos Heros today! Highlights: 1. Learn dozens of unique skills, and combine them for cool combos and powerful strategies. 2. Choose from hundreds of different fighters, each with their own strengths and gameplay styles. 3. Play different game modes that provide endless replay options. 4. Take on players from around the world in massive tournaments and earn epic rewards. 5. Customize your pets with a vast array of options to aid your fighter in combat. 6. Influence other players by making friends, imprisoning your enemies, recruiting mercenaries and joining guilds. 7. Experience high-quality graphics that deliver intense gameplay.
You're my destiny!
A journey for the truth, a story buried for years Being a celebrity may look like fun and sun on the outside, but behind it all are endless secrets. Your life should have ended 5 years ago, but you have miraculously been granted a second chance. From A-List celebrity to fresh newbie, the entertainment industry has become so much more different and dangerous than the way you knew it. Luckily, you are not alone: helpful friends, partners in the industry and four guys that change your life forever. You might think yourself lucky for getting it all, But the truth isyou’ve lost even more. When the truth is revealed, who will be the one you fight for? 【Romance & Mystery at your fingertips!】 Huge interactive storyline with more chapters coming soon. 【4 hot guys to connect with as you wish!】 Secret dates, interactive text messages and more, just waiting for you. 【Collect special outfits & dress up freely!】 Hundreds of fine outfits from every style: exotic, traditional, formalcustomize your look now. 【Easy to play & socialize!】 Fame Ranks, Red Carpet..
接下水鏡先生英雄帖,阻止群魔盜寶禍亂世! 加入群雄軍團共發展,參與巔峰賽事爭英豪! 《放置神將》是一款全新放置類輕手游,升級不佔時間。經典回歸,三國名將全系登場,讓你逐一體驗不..
接下水鏡先生英雄帖,阻止群魔盜寶禍亂世! 加入群雄軍團共發展,參與巔峰賽事爭英豪! 《放置神將》是一款全新放置類輕手游,升級不佔時間。經典回歸,三國名將全系登場,讓你逐一體驗不一樣的風雲人生,指點江山,衝鋒陷陣。細緻的人物刻畫,有趣的劇情描述,逐步帶你體驗角色的成長。覺醒變身出神入魔,各類PVP與PVE玩法層出不窮。 【特色一】海量福利,誠意送! 次日登入送5星小喬,八日登入5星諸葛亮! 每日簽到有豪禮,連續登錄還可領取5萬2元寶! VIP特權不花錢,完成任務就升級,人人都是VIP15! 【特色二】無窮策略,配不完! 百餘種個性武將,諸多個性技能,四大陣營互相羈絆, 更有無數神兵鎧甲,十大靈能異獸,快來組建你的威武之師吧! 【特色三】精彩活動,玩不盡! 融合傳統放置玩法,戰鬥、地下城、英雄人物、收集、養成! 還有臥龍窟、試煉場、巨獸來襲、幻境尋寶! 豐富內容,等你來探索! 【特色四】激情軍團,樂無窮! 豐富的軍團活動,還有成員之間的慷慨互贈,圖騰、泉水,打造最有人情味軍團聯盟! 更有軍團競賽、軍團團戰,友好切磋,爭當最強軍團! 【特色五】全民策劃,遊三國! 心愛的武將還沒有登場?麾下的武將不夠強力?還有更有趣的玩法? 我們重視每位主公的體驗,如果你有新奇的腦洞、跳躍的思緒,請直接給策劃提出寶貴建議! 《放置神將》客服:800180502 《放置神將》官方Q群:705852899
Breed & evolve rare monsters!
Finish the Daily, and raise monsters! 《Myth Conqueror》 is a game to raise the legendary beast. Giant python"Yemengad", the three dogs of hell, the flying lion of San Marco, and the evil black dragon Niederhoge. All these legendary beasts in mythology recognize you as their master JUST NOW! This is an Idle game. After taming the top ten monsters in the game, you can hang up and get massive Resources. You can also continuously improve the strength of monsters through monster breakthrough, monster awakening, magical pattern refining, and other ways!
I'm a single mother, I am not here to tell you guys I am a soft person, but being single is awesome! And I got a little five years old girl, we hang out have fun together eat and drink. We love foods, so we spend our spare time to made a food game “together”. “Together”means I do the art and coding work, and she taking care for the part of investigate dishes The purpose of this game is so simple, so the game is relatively simple too, mainly it’s made for my daughter. And yes, you guys are all “her player”^^ So this game got no place to top up, if you like, just click on the advertisement so that we can more inspection dishes. Cheers ※ Play anywhere, cook everywhere! - Download for free, no in-app purchases, cook to earn it all - No limitations, no more waiting - Casual gameplay that can play itself ※ Manage your dream Chinese restaurant! - 10 legendary Chinese cuisines, 10 restaurants waiting to be opened - A simple tap and delicious..

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Yammy,so good!