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Interactive Chinese Pinyin App SCREENSHOT

【图】Interactive Chinese Pinyin(截图1)【图】Interactive Chinese Pinyin(截图2)【图】Interactive Chinese Pinyin(截图3)

Interactive Chinese Pinyin App DESCRIPTION

Full description:Interactive Chinese Pinyin Learning

Chinese Pinyin Games for Kids. Educational activities teach kids basic Chinese elements – Pinyin

• Chinese Pinyin (finals + tones) – 4 Level Games
• Chinese Pinyin (initials + finals + tones)
• Designed by language learning experts and game design talents for kids aged 3-12
• Course for preschool, early learners & young children studying languages.

Are you interested in learning Mandarin? Do you find it difficult to pick up? Do you want to master Mandarin by playing funny yet enlightening games? Interactive Chinese Pinyin Learning is the solution to all of these questions!

You can enjoy marvellous learning experience as you can control your own study pace. There are many levels for players to incrementally build up their knowledge of Mandarin from the most fundamental level regarding “initial”, “final” and “tone’ to multiple daily items and common topics.

When you finish the level, you can also share your exercise performance to social media platform in order to pose a challenge to your friends.

Interactive Chinese

It combines a structured Chinese Pinyin courses with engaging and entertaining games.

Our language course is divided into mini-games. Each mini-game teaches core pinyin components and presents pinyin in several contexts to assist learning and retention.


• 4 or more unique games in each interactive-packed mini-game.
• Original music, sound effects, game design and beautiful cartoon artwork
• Engaging learning games will keep your child entertained as they learn
• Concentrated literacy method to strengthen basic elements’ learning
• Engaging self-enhancing amplification effect to build knowledge for Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Compound


• Vocabularies
• Chinese radicals learning
• Chinese characters writing
• Animals
• Numbers
• Vehicles
• Chinese culture
• Hong Kong culture

Buy lessons monthly or save money by purchasing our annual lesson packs.


The variety of games, challenges, and different modes of interactivity can help with other areas of your child’s development:

• Multi-sensory learning is an important element of your child’s development
• Interactive games helps your child build motor skills and concentration
• 3D model helps your child master Chinese character in early stage
• Hand-eye coordination is reinforced during engaging activities
• Instant feedback helps children understand how well tasks are being performed
• Helps your child to use technology in a beneficial and effective way


Interactive Chinese Pinyin Learning is created by our team of expert educators and local Chinese teachers who have brought their claoom-tested language courses to tablets and smartphones.

We have created step-by-step courses that teach languages in an interactive, effective and entertaining way.


Write a review to tell us what you think or contact us via our e-mail


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Learn to pronounce the initials and finals of Pinyin with handy flashcards. Cycle through them quickly and gain mastery with your pronunciation by listening to the recordings. Each Pinyin also includes a very descriptive explanation of how to pronounce the Pinyin from common English sounds and a description of the mouth, tongue and lip placement needed to pronounce the sound properly.
Chinese Pinyin Hero
Inro Pinyin [Inro Series] Inro contains a series of games, including Inro Pinyin, Inro Chinese Character (Traditional Chinese), Inro Chinese Character (Simplified Chinese), Mandarin and Cantonese. Chinese Pinyin Games for Kids. Educational activities teach kids basic Chinese elementsPinyin, Chinese Characters. • Chinese (finalstones) • Chinese (Vocabularies) • Chinese (Pronunciation) • Designed by language learning experts and game design talents for kids aged 3-10 • Course for preschool, early learners & young children studying languages. Are you interested in learning Chinese? Do you find it difficult to pick up? Do you want to master Chinese by playing funny yet enlightening games? Inro Pinyin Series are the solutions to all of these questions! You can enjoy marvellous learning experience as you can control your own study pace. There are many levels for players to incrementally build up their knowledge of Chinese from the most fundamental level
GabiChinese is application which provides a systematic Chinese learning method to all Chinese beginners. We follow Hong Kong local schools' teaching materials to design learning material. We both provide Cantonese (Traditional Chinese) version and Mandarin (Simplified..
GabiChinese is application which provides a systematic Chinese learning method to all Chinese beginners. We follow Hong Kong local schools' teaching materials to design learning material. We both provide Cantonese (Traditional Chinese) version and Mandarin (Simplified Chinese) version. Before launch, we have conducted detailed research with the education professionals in local universities. Besides, we have conducted pilot tests with few hundred target users. GabiChinese provides teachers' version, students' version and public version, which suitable for different needs in learning Chinese characters and improving Chinese characters recognition ability. 1) Teachers' version: detailed report to show students' learning process 2) Students' version: 9 scenes with games and practice and report to show the learning progress and give feedback for further improvement 3) Public version: 9 scenes with games and practice and detailed report to show users' learning process GabiChinese provides 9 modules in current curriculums, from simple to complex. Module 1: Animals Module 2: Family Module 3: Occupation Module 4: Food Module 5: School Module 6: Color Module 7: Number Module 8: Nature Module 9: Clothes We will keep update and provide..
Do you want to learn writing Chinese Characters? Want to start but still hesitate? This ..
Do you want to learn writing Chinese Characters? Want to start but still hesitate? This is a right application to help you learn Chinese character writing with guidance. We provide two stages to learn Chinese characters. First, our app will provide you stroke-by-stroke guidance. Second, our app provides you 10 writing pads to practise. Furthermore, you could enjoy online and offline writing practice at the same time. We provide you three versions. Based on your own preference, you could choose different themes and different display UI, like by radicals, by number of stroke and by common. For Full version, you will enjoy 1,000+ Chinese characters' learning with reasonable price. Tell us your feedback for further improvement. If you want to get feedback from your offline handwriting practise, you can download the writing pads from our app. After practising, you can send us a photo. We will check for you. 你想學寫中文字嗎? 想學,可是還在猶豫? 這裏是一個好的地方可以給你提供合適的協助。你可以在指導下學習中文。 我們分兩個步驟協助你學好寫中文字。我們提供“逐筆逐筆”的教學。然後,你們可以利用我們的寫字板去訓練寫字。還有,我們會提供貼心的服務線上和線下的寫字練習。 我們會提供三個版本。根據你的喜好,你可以選擇不同的主題和不同的查閱方法,例如:按照部首,按照筆畫和按照常用度。 完整版,你可以用合理的價格學習1000+中文字。 如果有任何建議,歡迎隨時跟我們溝通。我們也會提供批改服務。你只要到我們的應用程式下載字貼,寫好以後,拍張照片,然後發送給我們,我們就會協助你批改。 你想学写中文字吗?想学,可是还在犹豫?这里是一个好的地方可以给你提供合适的协助。你可以在指导下学习中文。 我们分两个步骤协助你学好写中文字。我们提供“逐笔逐笔”的教学。然后,你们可以利用我们的写字板去训练写字。还有,我们会提供贴心的服务线上和线下的写字练习。 我们会提供三个版本。根据你的喜好,你可以选择不同的主题和不同的查阅方法,例如:按照部首,按照笔画和按照常用度。 完整版,你可以用合理的价格学习1000+中文字。 如果有任何建议,欢迎随时跟我们沟通。我们也会提供批改服务。你只要到我们的应用程式下载字贴,写好以后,拍张照片,然后发送给我们,我们就会协助你批改。
GabiChinese is application which provides a systematic Chinese learning method to all Chinese beginners. We follow Hong Kong local schools' teaching materials to design learning material. We both provide Cantonese (Traditional Chinese) version and Mandarin (Simplified..
GabiChinese is application which provides a systematic Chinese learning method to all Chinese beginners. We follow Hong Kong local schools' teaching materials to design learning material. We both provide Cantonese (Traditional Chinese) version and Mandarin (Simplified Chinese) version. Before launch, we have conducted detailed research with the education professionals in local universities. Besides, we have conducted pilot tests with few hundred target users. GabiChinese provides teachers' version, students' version and public version, which suitable for different needs in learning Chinese characters and improving Chinese characters recognition ability. 1) Teachers' version: detailed report to show students' learning process 2) Students' version: 9 scenes with games and practice and report to show the learning progress and give feedback for further improvement 3) Public version: 9 scenes with games and practice and detailed report to show users' learning process GabiChinese provides 9 modules in current curriculums, from simple to complex. Module 1: Animals Module 2: Family Module 3: Occupation Module 4: Food Module 5: School Module 6: Color Module 7: Number Module 8: Nature Module 9: Clothes We will keep update and provide..
Train Your Fluency of Chinese
SuperGabi allows beginners to learn Chinese characters through different types of games. You have four different practice modes: Quiz Game: Match the Chinese words with their English meanings Phonetic Transcription Game: Learn the Mandarin Pinyin or the Cantonese Romanisation Listening Game: Find the English meanings according to the Chinese audios Writing Game: Copy the Chinese characters If you want to learn both Cantonese and Mandarin, you can easily switch between them!
Chinese Pinyin Learning
Full description:Interactive Chinese Pinyin Learning Chinese Pinyin Games for Kids. Educational activities teach kids basic Chinese elementsPinyin • Chinese Pinyin (finalstones) – 4 Level Games • Chinese Pinyin (initialsfinalstones) • Designed by language learning experts and game design talents for kids aged 3-12 • Course for preschool, early learners & young children studying languages. Are you interested in learning Mandarin? Do you find it difficult to pick up? Do you want to master Mandarin by playing funny yet enlightening games? Interactive Chinese Pinyin Learning is the solution to all of these questions! You can enjoy marvellous learning experience as you can control your own study pace. There are many levels for players to incrementally build up their knowledge of Mandarin from the most fundamental level regarding "initial", "final" and "tone' to multiple daily items and common topics. When you finish the level, you can also share your exercise performance to social media platform in order to pose a challenge to your friends. Interactive Chinese It combines a structured Chinese Pinyin courses with engaging and entertaining games. Our language course is..
Learn Chinese Character
Learn your first Chinese Character. You could learn Mandarin (Simplified Chinese) and Cantonese (Traditional Chinese) at the same time. In this app, we mainly teach Chinese characters. From single characters to compound characters. From stroke identification to character writing. From writing to speaking. Our teaching materials are based on current Hong Kong local primary schools' learning list. You will learn how to identify Chinese character in a systematic ways. In short-term, our app supports more than 40 characters. In long-term, we could support up to 8,000 characters. Currently, this app contains 13 levels of games. In the coming future, the game levels would reach 1,000 levels. We eager to get recommendation from our treasurable customers.
Do you want to learn writing Chinese Characters? Want to start but still hesitate? This ..
Do you want to learn writing Chinese Characters? Want to start but still hesitate? This is a right application to help you learn Chinese character writing with guidance. We provide two stages to learn Chinese characters. First, our app will provide you stroke-by-stroke guidance. Second, our app provides you 10 writing pads to practise. Furthermore, you could enjoy online and offline writing practice at the same time. We provide you three versions. Based on your own preference, you could choose different themes and different display UI, like by radicals, by number of stroke and by common. For Lite version, you will enjoy 30 Chinese characters' learning for free. For Full version, you will enjoy 1,000+ Chinese characters' learning with reasonable price. Tell us your feedback for further improvement. If you want to get feedback from your offline handwriting practise, you can download the writing pads from our app. After practising, you can send us a photo. We will check for you. 你想學寫中文字嗎? 想學,可是還在猶豫? 這裏是一個好的地方可以給你提供合適的協助。你可以在指導下學習中文。 我們分兩個步驟協助你學好寫中文字。我們提供“逐筆逐筆”的教學。然後,你們可以利用我們的寫字板去訓練寫字。還有,我們會提供貼心的服務線上和線下的寫字練習。 我們會提供三個版本。根據你的喜好,你可以選擇不同的主題和不同的查閱方法,例如:按照部首,按照筆畫和按照常用度。 輕量版,你可以免費學習30個中文字。 完整版,你可以用合理的價格學習1000+中文字。 如果有任何建議,歡迎隨時跟我們溝通。我們也會提供批改服務。你只要到我們的應用程式下載字貼,寫好以後,拍張照片,然後發送給我們,我們就會協助你批改。 你想学写中文字吗?想学,可是还在犹豫?这里是一个好的地方可以给你提供合适的协助。你可以在指导下学习中文。 我们分两个步骤协助你学好写中文字。我们提供“逐笔逐笔”的教学。然后,你们可以利用我们的写字板去训练写字。还有,我们会提供贴心的服务线上和线下的写字练习。 我们会提供三个版本。根据你的喜好,你可以选择不同的主题和不同的查阅方法,例如:按照部首,按照笔画和按照常用度。 轻量版,你可以免费学习30个中文字。 完整版,你可以用合理的价格学习1000+中文字。 如果有任何建议,欢迎随时跟我们沟通。我们也会提供批改服务。你只要到我们的应用程式下载字贴,写好以后,拍张照片,然后发送给我们,我们就会协助你批改。
Do you want to learn writing Chinese Characters? Want to start but still hesitate? This ..
Do you want to learn writing Chinese Characters? Want to start but still hesitate? This is a right application to help you learn Chinese character writing with guidance. We provide two stages to learn Chinese characters. First, our app will provide you stroke-by-stroke guidance. Second, our app provides you 10 writing pads to practise. Furthermore, you could enjoy online and offline writing practice at the same time. We provide you three versions. Based on your own preference, you could choose different themes and different display UI, like by radicals, by number of stroke and by common. For Lite version, you will enjoy 30 Chinese characters' learning for free. For Full version, you will enjoy 1,000+ Chinese characters' learning with reasonable price. Tell us your feedback for further improvement. If you want to get feedback from your offline handwriting practise, you can download the writing pads from our app. After practising, you can send us a photo. We will check for you. 你想學寫中文字嗎? 想學,可是還在猶豫? 這裏是一個好的地方可以給你提供合適的協助。你可以在指導下學習中文。 我們分兩個步驟協助你學好寫中文字。我們提供“逐筆逐筆”的教學。然後,你們可以利用我們的寫字板去訓練寫字。還有,我們會提供貼心的服務線上和線下的寫字練習。 我們會提供三個版本。根據你的喜好,你可以選擇不同的主題和不同的查閱方法,例如:按照部首,按照筆畫和按照常用度。 輕量版,你可以免費學習30個中文字。 完整版,你可以用合理的價格學習1000+中文字。 如果有任何建議,歡迎隨時跟我們溝通。我們也會提供批改服務。你只要到我們的應用程式下載字貼,寫好以後,拍張照片,然後發送給我們,我們就會協助你批改。 你想学写中文字吗?想学,可是还在犹豫?这里是一个好的地方可以给你提供合适的协助。你可以在指导下学习中文。 我们分两个步骤协助你学好写中文字。我们提供“逐笔逐笔”的教学。然后,你们可以利用我们的写字板去训练写字。还有,我们会提供贴心的服务线上和线下的写字练习。 我们会提供三个版本。根据你的喜好,你可以选择不同的主题和不同的查阅方法,例如:按照部首,按照笔画和按照常用度。 轻量版,你可以免费学习30个中文字。 完整版,你可以用合理的价格学习1000+中文字。 如果有任何建议,欢迎随时跟我们沟通。我们也会提供批改服务。你只要到我们的应用程式下载字贴,写好以后,拍张照片,然后发送给我们,我们就会协助你批改。

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