44.3 MB

Cyclone Fingers App SCREENSHOT

【图】Cyclone Fingers(截图1)【图】Cyclone Fingers(截图2)

Cyclone Fingers App DESCRIPTION

This app is a typing game.
Rule is easy, just press keyboard when an alphabet blocks falls down to the bottom blue bars.
If it’s successful, a score rises up. but if it’s mistype, receives damage.

You will able to practice a typing keyboard through this game.

There is some game mode.

Easy Mode : It’s super easy.
Normal Mode : Normal speed.
Hard Mode : High speed.
Death Mode : Super high speed, you can not enjoy this game.
Game Quit : End this game.

Method of operation :

Up & Down allow key : Select game mode
Enter or Space : Start game
Down : High speed block fall down until press down key.
Esc : End game
A – Z key : Typing block of alphabet

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