An app to help learn Chinese characters and classics, like诗词,成语,寓言故事.
- Updated:
- Version:
- 2.2.1
- Size:
- 49.7 MB
- Category:
- Education
- Required:
- iOS
- Rating:
- Publish:
- 2018-12-07
- Price:
- Free
- Developer:
- Propersh LLC
An app to help learn Chinese characters and classics, like 诗词,成语,寓言故事.
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This Free Famous Chinese idioms list with meanings and pinyin is really a great collection of Chinese sayings like Chinese idioms about life, Chinese idioms about family, Chinese idioms about love, Chinese idioms about friendship as..
This Free Famous Chinese idioms list with meanings and pinyin is really a great collection of Chinese sayings like Chinese idioms about life, Chinese idioms about family, Chinese idioms about love, Chinese idioms about friendship as well as Chinese idioms for happy. Furthermore, all of them come with pinyin pronunciation and English translation. This Free Chinese idioms list app is not only help people learn smart sayings in Chinese language but it also have guided generations of people. In the simple statements that are at the core of this ancient wisdom you can find guidance and tips for daily life which is always true and absolutely help. KiddyPop in addition has many other interesting topics about language applications. We consistently create useful and practical Apps, so simply follow KiddyPop for updated new coming application as the 3 following methods :- Check out our website: Like us on Facebook: Subscribe our channel on YouTube: Ready for the most adorable Chinese idioms application!!!
More than just a game, Idiom Study is a powerful educational tool for learning Chinese idioms. It is useful for children especially. 【How to play】 1. Select one class that you want to learn. 2. According..
More than just a game, Idiom Study is a powerful educational tool for learning Chinese idioms. It is useful for children especially. 【How to play】 1. Select one class that you want to learn. 2. According to the meaning of idiom that appears on the blackboard, click the mole which you think it is the right idiom. 【Contact us】 If you have any problems in the game, you can contact us through the following customer service email:
中华民族历史源远流长, 中国文化博大精深, 它是中华儿女引以荣耀和自豪, 它是中华民族的重要凝聚力; 成语故事是中国历史的一部分, 成语是历史的积淀, 每一个成语的背后都有一个..
中华民族历史源远流长, 中国文化博大精深, 它是中华儿女引以荣耀和自豪, 它是中华民族的重要凝聚力; 成语故事是中国历史的一部分, 成语是历史的积淀, 每一个成语的背后都有一个含义深远的故事; 所以学习成语是青少年学习中国文化的必经之路。儿童知识系列成语故事五十则, 以深刻形象的故事, 讲述其中的道理; 编者从儿童心理与认知力的发育特点出发, 并综合动维通儿童系列APP的编排心得, 将儿童最感兴趣, 最需要了解, 最适合的内容以生动活泼新颖的形式编辑, 以达到全面构筑小朋友的知识体系, 让他们热爱阅读, 促进小朋友大脑发育和词汇量增加, 进而有助于小朋友的语言表达能力的提高。 儿童启蒙: 1. 帮助小朋友了解历史, 通达事理, 学习知识, 进而激发右脑能量的软件; 2. 所有的成语都有拼音标注, 帮助小朋友学习, 记忆成语; 3. 每则成语故事都有丰富的图片, 帮助小朋友对成语加深理解和认识, 同时丰富了想象力。 信息全面: 1. 收集了最具代表的50则成语故事; 2. 每则成语都包括: 解释, 用法, 近义词/反义词和成语故事的介绍等; 3. 丰富的卡通故事插图: 助小朋友对成语加深理解和认识, 同时丰富了想象力。 产品特色: 1. 界面清新, 色调柔和, 有效的保护小朋友眼睛; 2. 翻阅功能: 每则成语均点击左下书脚可翻阅上一则成语故事内容, 点击右下书脚可翻阅下一则成语故事内容; 3. 自主浏览图片: 只需手指轻轻滑动图片即可进行翻阅, 单击图片即可放大, 双击或者通过手势对图片进行缩放即可查看图片的细节! Facebook:成语五十则/361545033930322 Twitter: Youtube: 土豆网: 优酷网: 微博: "成语五十则"可以将学习当成亲子游戏, 父母可以陪孩子一同学习, 将成语故事读给小朋友听, 培养孩子的阅读能力; 也可以在学习中, 家长随机挑成语考考孩子, 对于小朋友来说不一定是难事哦! 希望这款APP可以带领儿童步入知识的殿堂, 在博大精深的中国古典文化中汲取营养, 获得知识和智慧! 请关注NotionInMotion的其他APP: 儿童识物系列-《常见蔬菜》, 《常见动物》, 《常见水果》, 《常见人物》, 《常见交通工具》, 《常见颜色和图形》 儿童知识系列-《古诗三百首》, 《成语五十则》, 《寓言故事》 中国文化系列-《中国哲学》, 《中国名画》, 《中国美食》 健康时尚生活系列-《名茶鉴赏》, 《常见蘑菇鉴别》, 《酒吧常见鸡尾酒酒谱大全》,《健康食谱-舌尖上的中国营养粥》
An app to help study and practice spelling bee for all grades.
An app to help study and practice spelling bee for all grades.
Parenting is a tough job. It's time consuming. It requires dedication, resolution and much more. It's tiresome, yet its reward is priceless. ParentingBoard tries to make this process much easier and more enjoyable. One key struggle..
Parenting is a tough job. It's time consuming. It requires dedication, resolution and much more. It's tiresome, yet its reward is priceless. ParentingBoard tries to make this process much easier and more enjoyable. One key struggle of parenting is to help the youngsters build up their daily routine. Once a good routine is built up, the parents can sit back and enjoy. The big problem is how. ParentingBoard lets parents setup a routine and evaluate it daily. The parents and child can view the results together. The child can see easily what is good and what is bad. It will save a lot of unnessary screaming and yelling. Hopefully the parenting process will be much more enjoyable.
Chess opening is very important for a chess game. There are lots of apps to help one study chess openings. But most of them are too complicate. There are way too many numbers associated with a..
Chess opening is very important for a chess game. There are lots of apps to help one study chess openings. But most of them are too complicate. There are way too many numbers associated with a move. Users will easily be overwhelmed and will lose interests in studying too. Chess Opening Trainer tries to provied an easy and simple interface to study openings. It studied over 2 million games and generated one score for each move. All the moves for each situation are ordered by its popularity. The interface is easy and straight forward. Chess Opening Trainer also provides a way for the user to test his opening knowledge.
Playing chess endgames is a very important and efficient way to improve one's chess skills. But often it's very difficult and expensive for a player to find a partner or tutor to help practice endgames. This..
Playing chess endgames is a very important and efficient way to improve one's chess skills. But often it's very difficult and expensive for a player to find a partner or tutor to help practice endgames. This app solves this problem by collecting over 60,000 endgames and providing an easy and simple interface for the user to play endgames. The user can try to solve the puzzle first and then verify the solution with the computer. Or the user can study the solution provided by the computer. With time, the user can improve his/her chess skills quickly.
A simple megaphone mainly with three buttons: StartMic: to talk. StartSave: to save to a file. StartSpeaker: to broadcast over the speaker.
A simple megaphone mainly with three buttons: StartMic: to talk. StartSave: to save to a file. StartSpeaker: to broadcast over the speaker.
A vocabulary builder for kids. The app will make it easy to build up a kid's vocabulary. It will also make it easy for the parent to check how many words a kid has mastered. It..
A vocabulary builder for kids. The app will make it easy to build up a kid's vocabulary. It will also make it easy for the parent to check how many words a kid has mastered. It has a preset of 6000 most frequently used english words. The user can easily extend the word set. The user can create multiple worksets. By using worksets, the seemingly impossible job will become easy and fun. The user can easily control and check the pace. For each word, the user can record the pronunciation, use images or photos to represent the word, or use the word in a sentence. The user can also mark a word mastered or not mastered. The app will use different colors for mastered and not mastered words.
Note is not just static flat text, but dynamic structured object. Data processing is not an after thought or add on, but an integrated part built from start. Presentation is decoupled from data and the user..
Note is not just static flat text, but dynamic structured object. Data processing is not an after thought or add on, but an integrated part built from start. Presentation is decoupled from data and the user doesn't need to waste time on it anymore.